Marketing Syllabus

Braham Area High School

Marketing - Syllabus

Semester 1 – 2018-2019

Instructor:  Ms. Swanson


Twitter:  @wickedswan


Email Address:  [email protected]


School Phone Number:  320-396-5245


Textbook:  Farese, Lois, Grady Kimbrell, and Carl Woloszyk.  Marketing Essentials.  McGraw Hill Glencoe.  (2009).


Course Description:  This is a semester long course where we will learn and be provided a basic foundation for further study in marketing. Students will study economic functions at work in the marketplace, marketing functions including purchasing, pricing, and distribution functions. This course is based on the business and marketing core that includes communication skills, economics, financial analysis, and promotion. Both marketing and employment skills learned will improve and increase the chance of successful transition into the world of work.

Course Objectives:  Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:

            a.  understand what marketing is and it is all around us.

            b.  explain the basic elements of a marketing plan.

            c.  understand basic math skills in marketing.

            d.  define the communication skills needed in marketing.

            e.  understand how technology applications are needed in marketing.

            f.  how to present a product to sell.

            g.  promoting merchandise and displaying it in advertisements.


Class Materials:  Chromebook

Textbook only used in class

Notebook or paper to take notes

Pen or pencil

Markers or colored pencils



Class Procedures/Expectations:  1.  Students will be expected to bring their Chromebook, notebook, and writing utensils to class every day.  It is the student’s responsibility to bring their device fully charged to class each and every day.

2.  Students will be expected to turn in all assignments on time.

3.  Students will be responsible for their own grade.  PowerSchool will be updated weekly.

4.  Students will be expected to listen when the teacher is talking and be respectful when other students are talking during the class hour.

5.  Students will be expected to attend Marketing and be in the classroom when the bell rings.  Failure to be in the classroom when the bell rings the student will be counted as tardy.

6.  Students will be expected to stay in their seats from the start of class until the teacher dismisses the class.  The teacher dismisses the class, not the bell.  We will not horde by the door at the end of the class period.


Consequences:  1.  Nonverbal or visual cue.

2.  Verbal Redirection.

3.  Conference with teacher after class.

4.  Call home to parents.

5.  Detention with teacher. 

6.  Removal from class/principal action.


Cell Phone Use:  Students will be allowed to use their cell phone during work time as a research device.  Cell phone use not doing work time will result in the device being taken away from the student and brought to the office. 


Tardy Policy:  A student who is tardy to Marketing class will have consequences.  The first offense will be a verbal warning.  The second tardy will result in loss of 5 extra credit points.  The third offense will result in loss of 5 more extra credit points and turned in to the office for detention when assigned.  NO EXCEPTIONS!!  Additional tardies will result in more detention hours.


Evaluation and Grading:  A+ 100%

A          95-99%

A-        90-94%

B+        86-89%

B          83-85%

B-        80-82%

C+        76-79%

C          73-75%

C-        70-72%

D+        66-69%

D          63-65%

D-        60-62%

F          below 59%


Breakdown of grading:  Grades will be calculated on tests, projects, quizzes, vocabulary, assignments, reports, discussions, and much much more.  There will be 2 major exams per quarter, one at mid quarter and one at the end of the quarter.  All assignments carry equal value in this class, nothing is weighted more.  If a student is absent, it is his or her responsibility to get missed work.  Grades will be updated on PowerSchool each week.


Late work:  If a student turns in an assignment late, the maximum score he or she can earn is 50% of the earned score.  There are 2 cut off dates to accept late work during each quarter.  One date is the Tuesday before midquarter reports are due in the office and the other is at the end of the quarter.   The last day late work will be accepted is the day before the last day of the quarter. After these cutoff dates assignments will not be accepted for credit.


Course Outline:
Chapters                                            Units

Chapters 1-2                                      The World of Marketing

Chapters 7-11                                     Skills for Marketing

Chapters 12-14                                   Selling the Product

Chapters 17-20                                  Promotion of the Products

Chapters 28-29                                  Marketing Information Management




Class Hour:



Student/Parent Signature:  I have read the following syllabus and I understand the requirements for Marketing for the 2018-2019 school year.  I agree to abide by the syllabus and have a successful year in this class.  This signature sheet is due by Friday, September 14, 2018.  This assignment is worth 10 points toward the student’s grade. (You keep the rest of the syllabus for your information.)






Student’s Name Printed / Signature                                         




Parent’s Signature