English 12
Jennifer Lundin  Room E104

Contact info: [email protected]

Materials: McDougal Littell- 12th grade text book, Copies of novels, English notebook

Course description: English encompasses all areas of language arts: literature, writing, grammar, vocabulary, critical reading and thinking. These skills are not only useful in English class but across the courses students will have in their high school career. We will be focusing on critical reading strategies & skills, writing at the college level,  writing responsively to what is read.  The goal of this year is to enable success after high school, which may lead to more evaluative thinking and synthesis of ideas. 

Assessments: Students will be assessed through informal formative assessments, in- class work, projects/ speeches, writings, discussion, group work, individual work, unit assessments and classroom audience participation.

Senior English will focus on key essential questions throughout the year and our reading of British literature, novels, plays, poems, documents and our writing will tie back to these big questions. Our goal is to become more worldly scholars and to ask better questions, create better research avenues and be more aware of what the world is asking of us in return. We will be writing and preparing for college and workplace writing and communication as well. 

Grading: As per Powerschool set up. Your daily work, your Final assessments (unit, essays, projects), and your participation (discussion, audience, group work) will be what you are graded on.

Class expectations:

  1. Come to class prepared!-Notebook/ Chrome Book- charged and necessary materials. 
  2. Be respectful of your yourself, others and the teacher
  3. Tardies and absences will be dealt with as per the handbook.
  4. Please refer to Handbook posted in the Useful Links tab for more details on expectations and strategies. 


Teacher conference Parent Phone call/ contact, Principal referral