
Welcome to Introduction to Psychology!!  This course will provide you with a broad introduction to the field of psychology, one of the social sciences.  This course will focus on individual behavior and why an individual thinks, feels, and reacts to certain stimuli.  Major emphasis will be placed on research methods, stages in childhood and adolescence, how the brain works, altered states of consciousness, psychological testing, and psychological disorders. 

Psychology is a great course to take if you are college-bound.  Nearly every higher-level institution, whether it is a community/technical college or university, requires every student to take an Introduction to Psychology course, regardless of his or her major.  The information learned in Psychology is beneficial for those not planning to attend college as well.  Being able to understand and socialize effectively with others is a crucial skill all individuals should be proficient in.

**Please note:  When studying psychology, there can be many sensitive subjects discussed.  Students are expected to treat one another with maturity, respect, and should value the right to opinion of classmates.


There is no textbook for this course.  This course will be taught through lectures, discussions, hands-on learning, videos, online resources, and guest speakers. 

Course Outline

Unit 1:  Introduction to Psychology

  • What is Psychology?
  • Psychological Methods

Unit 2:  Body and Mind

  • Biology and Behavior
  • Sensation and Perception
  • Consciousness

Unit 3:  Learning and Cognition

  • Learning
  • Memory
  • Thinking and Language
  • Intelligence

Unit 4:  Development

  • Infancy and Childhood
  • Adolescence
  • Adulthood

Unit 5:  Personality

  • Motivation and Emotion
  • Theories of Personality
  • Psychological Tests
  • Gender Roles

Unit 6:  Health and Adjustment

  • Stress and Health
  • Psychological Disorders
  • Methods of Therapy

Unit 7:  Social Psychology

  • Social Cognition
  • Social Interaction

Case Studies

Throughout the course we will be reading and discussing prominent studies that changed the field of psychology.

Current Psychology Issues

We will be focusing on the issues and current events of today and relating them to field of psychology.

Guest Speakers

I will do my best to bring in as many guest speakers in the field of psychology as I can.  My goal is to show you how much of our daily lives can relate back to psychology.  I also want you to be made aware of the job options available in the field.


You will be filling out “Guided Notes” for each lecture given.  We will also be reading past case studies and current issues articles.  I recommend keeping all of these in a folder.  Questions pertaining to these notes and readings will be generated and put on quizzes/tests.

Book Talks

Once per quarter, students will be asked to share with the class information about a book he/she read.  The objective is not to find a book directly related to psychology, but to read a book he/she would typically read and then relate it back to psychology.  More information will be given as the quarter progresses, but I wanted you to be able to begin reading as soon as possible.

Other Major Assignments (More information will be provided as these projects are assigned.)

  • Grade School Observations and Write-Ups
  • Videos of Life **(outline your own life from infancy through adolescence via pictures and slides that are set to your music) **If time allows.
  • Famous Psychologist PPT:  Research a prominent psychologist/psychiatrist and present your findings to the class through a PowerPoint presentation.
  • Final Project:  Research a famous person of your choice (actor, singer, pro-athlete, author, etc.).  Analyze the person’s life by applying ALL psychological concepts covered in class.  Presentations will be given the last week of the semester.


  • Psychology grades are based on an accumulation of points throughout two-quarters/one semester.
  • The point values for assignments will vary.
  • The BAHS Student Handbook grading scale will be used.
  • All late work received will be reduced 50% of points earned.  See BAHS Student Handbook for further clarification.
  • This course will rely heavily on student participation. Participation points will be given out daily.  Taking notes, staying focused, and adding to classroom discussion will be vital to your grade.
  • Grades will be updated at least once a week. Parents and students can monitor their grades via Powerschool.

Class Policies and Procedures

  • Attendance is important in this psychology class as most of the concepts are new and are much easier to understand through classroom demonstrations, discussions, etc.  With no textbook to rely on, course concepts will be delivered through classroom discussions and lectures and being in attendance the day it is delivered is vital.
  • With that said, if a student must be absent, it is up to the student to take care of any missing or late homework, obtain missing notes from a classmate, and to monitor his/her grades on a routine basis.
  • Please arrive to class on time and be ready to learn when the bell rings.  Tardy students will not be appreciated.  Tardies will be dealt with on an individual basis and excessive tardiness will result in parent contact, loss of participation points, and/or detention.
  • Please follow these simple rules:
    • All Braham Area High School formal school rules, policies, and procedures apply.
    • All encounters are based upon the foundation of respect.  All students are to respect their peers, teachers/guest speakers, classroom environment, as well as themselves. 
    • Raise your hand to speak.  When someone is talking, you are not…be an active listener.
    • Work hard and individually.  Do not cheat or plagiarize.
    • Arrive on time and prepared to learn.  Be sure to bring your notebook, folder, pen/pencil, assignments, and an active mind ready to participate each day.
    • No food or drink, with the exception of water, is permitted in the classroom.
    • Do not leave trash in the room.
    • Submit all assignments at the time they are due (or earlier).
    • Think positively and try your best at all times!


Please bring your charged Chromebook with you to class each day.  Having an electronic device will benefit the work/learning we do in this course.  With all students having access to Chromebooks, I expect all phones to remain turned off and stored during class time.

Teacher Contact

I look forward to and encourage communication.  Please feel free to contact me with any concerns and/or questions you may have.  

I look forward to teaching this course and getting to know you as students.  Psychology is a fascinating field and I hope by the end of this semester, you feel the same way.